A Brand New DayChen, Andy / SOP,Yu, Sandy / SOPEasy

Every morning we wake up and there is usually that moment of silence, of reflection, of contemplation as to how today is going to be.
It is usually in that moment we decide whether or not this new day will be a good day.
One morning I woke up with just the "wo…wo….today's is a brand new day" melody and it completely jump-started my day into a great day!
I realized that every morning we need to stand up from whatever ditches we may have fallen into yesterday and take upon God's wonderful promises.
He is for us and not against us! And with Him with us, who and what shall we fear?
So let's hold tight to God's wonderful promises and start each day knowing that God is with us and that we can face the world with His power,
His presence, and His confidence.
Today is a brand new day!
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